
Thank you for checking out my blogs each day. I do try to post every day but my personal life does get in the way sometimes. My goal is to post on my blogs each day. Don't forget to subscribe and share this blog!
UPDATE: I had burned out on the sims and had to take a break but I am back now.


Thursday, November 30, 2017

All by myself

I am really thinking hard about the possibility of adopting a pet. I know I am still very new in town and do not really want to be around people but I may have to put in an effort to socialize with others in town. Now the question is can I afford a pet?

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

No one warned me

I am slowly loving this new town. There is one small problem. No one told me how often it would storm and how bad some of them would get. Lord I hope I can sleep through them. This one seems pretty bad. Lighting strikes and thunder shatters the silence of the night. Would be perfect weather for writing.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Perks of being on my own

One of the perks of living alone. You do not have to listen to your parents or anyone else fussing at you to go to bed. If I want to work late on my writing and painting I can. Granted I'll sleep in a bit later but hey my life my rules.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Time for dinner

This is one of those times I wished my mom taught me how to cook. The one thing I do know how to make is salad. Eventually I will branch out into other items to cook. So weird how quiet it is here with only me around. 

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Long term goals

Since I am not ready to be working along side others I had to come  up with another way to make money. One way as you saw was with the wildflowers which helped me finish the house and buy this computer. Now I can focus on writing and publishing novels. It is a lonely way to live but for now that is how it will have to be.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Home Sweet Home

So as I mentioned before I found a place at a reasonable price to live. The place was horrid. Wood paneling everywhere and puke green counters. I had just enough money to fix things up to make it my own. As you might have noticed my favorite color is red. I am hoping to someday have enough money to move into a really nice home and have things I want such as a t.v again. But until then I must manage with just a phone and a computer.

Friday, November 24, 2017

A place to sell wares

Not only does the alchemy shop sell supernatural items they also serve as a consignment shop. This will prove very useful in trying to make money. Not sure if I am ready to jump in the work force and be surrounded by people all day.  It is time for me to find a shop to buy an easel so I can start painting. Anything else I find around town I can sell here. Although the cashier did tell me that the wildflowers can not be sold. Which is understandable. They are live plants and die after a while. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Alchemy Shop

I decided to head out early to check out a shop that I had seen while flying through town. Sure enough it was an alchemy shop.  Man did they have a lot of stuff to buy. This phone booth I have seen this in other places around town to. I heard this was the place to go to sell or consign stuff I make and find around town. This will defiantly help with the money issues I currently have.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Wildflowers are every where

After moving to Moonlight Falls I put all my money into the new house and now I am broke. Not a big deal really. I know you thinking I am crazy but back home I used to collect wildflowers and sell them to people around town. I will do the same thing here and it looks like they have a lot of flowers to pick from. I just hope they accept me for me and not push me out. I have not been here long but I am starting to love this town.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Hecate Hallows

Hello! Your probably wondering why do I want to know about some strange girl with a strange name? I had a great life until one thing changed and shattered my world. Growing up in Riverview I had a typical childhood. A nice home and loving parent's. I went to a good school and was popular with more friends than I can count. Don't get me started on the boy's who wanted to date me as well. Dad took care of them by threatening to give them a lobotomy with out any pain meds. There was nothing special about our family or so I thought. Mom was a teacher at Riverview Elementary and dad was a doctor at Riverview Memorial.
Dad was more carefree and open minded than my mother was who grew up in a very strict family. How my parents were good for each other with their different upbringings always confused me. But hey it worked for them and dad always said I was the best thing that ever happened to them. You would think he would be the stuffy one being a doctor and mom being the laid back and carefree one. There was a secret my dad and his family had that my mom did not know about.
I don't know if my dad chose to forget or hoped I would not become what he and my grandparents are. I know if mom knew about this secret it would have been a deal breaker and I would not be here right now.
I was born in the fall so my senior year of high school I turned eighteen years old. Strange things started to happen around me that I could not explain and was scared to talk to my parents. 
My parents soon found out when I had an argument with my mom and all the cabinet doors flew open and the fire place roared to life.
We  lived in a very old house that had a fire place in the kitchen. My dad came home right when it happened and knew he had to come clean. This sparked an even bigger fight with my parents and soon mom started to ignore and avoid me at all costs. It hurt more than I thought it would. Mom and I were close but not as close as I was to my dad. Dad on the other hand tried to help me understand what was happening to me. I could not wrap my head around the idea that I am a witch. A witch! My senior year and graduation did not happen the way I wanted it to. I often sought out shelter in my dads office at home and sometimes at the hospital. My life would come crashing around me when a fire tore through the house. Dad was able to get me out of the house before going back in for my mom. 
They never came out.
The house was a complete loss. Now I was homeless. I lost all my friends and the town was blaming me for the fire even though the police cleared me of any wrong doing. With the clothes on my back I left Riverview in search of a town that would take me in. After month's of searching I heard about Moonlight Falls. By this point both sides of my family disowned me so I was on my own. I found a house and now I will try to start my life over.  I will have to figure out this witch thing alone.
The question is will they accept me and how much do they know about what happened? The fire and investigation gripped Simnation in a way I had never seen before. Guess there is only one way to find out. 
Oh I also found a home at a decent price and fixed it up to suit my needs.

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